Litter Removal, Micro-trash and Land Cleanup2022-11-02T21:20:33+00:00

Litter Removal, Micro-trash and Land Cleanup

Litter Removal, Microtrash, and Land Cleanup

Litter removal is vital in restoring our public lands. Whatever trash that lies on the surface will eventually get washed into our rivers and oceans. This adversely affects both the health of of our water sources and the wildlife that finds it. Big litter is obvious. Micro-trash, though less obvious, does not make it any less damaging.

The solution to the micro-trash problem is simple. We must all do our part. No longer can we say “It is not my job”. It is definetly our “job” to clean up our garbage. We can spend countless hours hanging around a campfire, knocking back a couple of cold ones, standing right on top of it. Use that time to pick up all the trash, you walk by everytime you go hangout in the woods. It does make a big difference.

Microtrash is tedious to clean up, however, our dedicated volunteers are there to respond and pick up one bit of trash at a time. We can all do our part by spending a couple of hours, while out on our adventures, and think about all the life you will be helping by picking up one bucket of micro-trash.

Thank you helping to keep our lands clean!  We appreciate your community service! – BLM Ranger

Trash Removal

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